We produce the best, sound, useable, foundation-bred quarter horses possible. We strive for smart minds, cow sense, athletics, and strong bodies. When viewing our horses, you will be pleased to see good withers and girth, nice hips/butt, solid bones & hooves. Our breeding comprises the best of the old and the new. We have tested these mares and studs in many aspects aiming to raise horses with these stated traits. We may not have the biggest band of mares, but what we have has come by riding and culling studs, mares and their offspring until we felt like we are achieving our goals stated on the home page.
To date, the young horses we have started out of "Peppys Slic Cutter" and "High Mountain Cat" have far exceeded our expectations.
High Mountain Cat – AQHA 2011 Blue Roan Stallion
Frank, our newest addition to our breeding program! A friend from rodeoing let us breed one of our mares to his stud, Cat N A Hat, winner of over $100,000.00 in the cutting association. We have been very happy with him displaying a ton of cow and all the athletic ability to go with it. We are crossing him on our ranch mares to make an ultimate ranch performer blend. Brian started him but had to retire him due to a knee injury as a 2 yr old.
While Brian Billings Livestock mares have impressive pedigrees including: Hancock, Doc Bar, Peppy San Badger, and other foundation lines; we also evaluate the mare's abilities under saddle. This additional knowledge gives us a greater understanding of the full potential of their foals. New foals are turned outside on large mountain pastures to strengthen their leg muscles and to learn to get around. This makes sure-footed, sound animals compared to those raised in pens.